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Monday, August 9, 2010

Tracy McGrady

What are my views of Tracy McGrady? In his prime he was athletic and could get to the basket better than most. His size allowed him to shoot over players and his strength allowed him to back down and absorb contact while shooting and still make the bucket. Now however he is only a jump shooter. He is old and slow. But their are places for slower players who can still score. This is called the bench. But what happens to these superstars like Iverson and T-Mac is they are incapable of accepting this role. But T-Mac is more likely than AI to do it. The Pistons are his latest option after the Bulls backed out but I really see it as a terrible fit. They have a nice new center in Greg Monroe, a nice young forward in Austin Daye, and a relatively young point guard in Rodney Stuckey. Why are they getting older? Trade Hamilton and Prince, stop thinking you are contenders and try and build toward the future with the young players they have. The problem is that this organization is impatient, instead of waiting for this years free agency they spent big bucks on Ben Gordon and Charlie Villanueva last year. And now to sign T-Mac is saying they still want to win now. And with the east stronger than ever they should know that is not a possibility. Maybe T-Mac has some great games but he is not a player that can take a non playoff team and turn them into one. The only thing he will do is possibly move them out of having a chance at a high draft pick.

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